Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ultimate Research-Based Strategy!

Linking Prior Knowledge to New Knowledge!
I know linking my new knowledge to prior knowledge helps me learn new information so I try to have my students do the same in almost every lesson I teach! My AP Psychology teacher, Sandra Johnson, always said that we had to create more "hooks" in our brain. The more you know, the more you can learn, so why not try out this idea in your classroom to increase relaxed alertness and access prior knowledge!

What is the strategy?
Concept Anchoring Routine
Adams, G., Bulgren, J., Cornine, D., Davis, B., Deshler, D., Grossen, B., & Schumaker, J.
*(2001). Making learning easier: connecting new knowledge to things students
already know. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(4), 82-85.

Appropriate Grade Level: 1st-12th grade.


  1. Give students a pre-test on the new material you will be covering.

  2. Create scaffolded notes by splitting a word document into three columns and label the column from left to right "Prior Knowledge", "Both", "New Knowledge". Then create scaffolded notes for the prior knowledge you want them to recall, the similarities between the concepts, and the big ideas on the new concept.

  3. State objective for the day's lesson and introduce new concept.

  4. Name and describe what they are already experts on and fill in the "prior knowledge" column together as a class.

  5. Describe how this new concept is like the concept they are already experts in. Fill in both column as a class.

  6. At this point I usually take a break from taking notes and either have the kids explore the new concept to formulate their own ideas about it or will "Power Teach" the new concept.

  7. At the end of the lesson is when I will have them fill in the "New Knowledge" column of their notes. It's a great review and helps them form the big idea of the lesson in their brains.

How Can I Use This?

Concept Anchoring Routine in Action!

The following is a lesson I taught to a first grade student I was tutoring in math and reading during the winter of 2008.

Lesson Plan: Skip Counting by 5’s
Subject Area: Mathematics
Content Strand: IV. Number Sense and Numeration
Content Standard: Content Standard 1: Students experience counting and measuring activities to develop intuitive sense about numbers, develop understanding about properties of numbers, understand the need for and existence of different sets of numbers, and investigate properties of special numbers. (Concepts and Properties of Numbers)
Benchmark: Develop an understanding of whole numbers and read, write and count using whole numbers; investigate basic concepts of fractions and decimals.
GLCE: N.ME.01.01 Count to 110 by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s, starting from any number in the sequence; count to 500 by 100’s and 10’s; use ordinals to identify position in a sequence, e.g., 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Goals: By April 15, 2008; G.D. will increase correct number identification on the grade 1 number identification curriculum based measurement from 26 to 33 or more correct with fewer than 4 errors.

Lesson Objectives:
1. From memory, the student will demonstrate knowledge of skip counting by 5’s by counting to 100, starting at 5, within 20 seconds with 100% accuracy.
2. When presented with a concept anchoring table, the student will demonstrate comprehension of skip counting by 5’s by comparing and contrasting skip counting to counting by 1’s with 100% accuracy.

Materials and Equipment Needed:
Shower curtain separated into 100 squares with one number in each square (1-100).
1-100 Chart
Concept Anchoring Routine graphic organizer
Story Problem Picture
Clipboard or something hard to write on

Anticipatory Set:
What are the two rules we need to follow when we work together?
1) Follow directions 2) Pay attention
What happens if we follow these rules?

We are going to do math. I have a story problem for you. You have 3 friends and you want to give them each 5 pencils. How many pencils do you need? You may use the picture to help you find your answer.

Today we are going to talk about counting by 5’s. I know you already know how to count by 1. Counting by 1’s is like (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) can you keep going?

Nice job remembering! This sheet is one we are going to use during the lesson today to compare what we already know to what we will learn. Let’s write down what we know about counting by 1. What can you tell me about counting by 1? (Wait time) Do we count all numbers or do we skip some? (Wait time) Does it take a long time to reach a high number or a short time? (Wait time)

Presentation of Information:
Both counting by 1s and counting by 5s deal with numbers. We look at or say numbers when we count by 1s and when we count by 5s. Let’s write that down; what did I say is the same? Both use n_______ (numbers). Also, each is a way to count. Let’s write that down too, each is a way to c______.

Now we are going to learn how to count by 5’s. (lay out mat). What is written on this mat? How can we use it to count by 5’s? When we count by 5’s we do not count EVERY number, that would take a long time, we make counting quick by skipping numbers and only counting every 5th number. Let me show you (step on map). When we count by 5’s we do not start at one, we start at the 5th number, (walk) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 5 is the first number we start with when counting by 5’s. Circle number 5 on your chart. We will use this chart to show how to count by 5’s and will circle all the numbers we need to count. How will I find out what number comes next? I will count 5 more steps (walk) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I now landed on number 10, number 10 is the next number we count when counting by 5.
Take off your shoes, grab your paper and pencil and let’s find the next number we count when counting by 5’s and circle it on your sheet. (Continue until all numbers are found).

Independent Practice:
You're really working hard circling those numbers! Now let’s look back on your chart and read all the numbers we use when counting by 5’s. We will start with 5 (5, 10, 15, etc). Now let’s count by 5’s in an opera voice. Now let’s count by 5’s in a whisper voice. Now let’s count by 5’s quickly.

What is the same about all these numbers we counted? (wait time). Look at the end of each number, what two digits do they always end in? If the number we’re on ends in a zero, what digit will the next number we count end in?

Let’s write down what we know about counting by 5’s. When we count by 5’s do we skip numbers or say all numbers like we do when we count by 1’s. Does it take a long time or a short time to count to 100 when we count by 5’s? What two digits do the numbers have to end in when we count by 5’s?
If the number we’re on ends with a zero, what will the next number end with?

You have 3 friends and you want to give them each 5 pencils. How many pencils do you need? Lets try this problem again, can we find the answer a different way using what we know about counting by 5’s?

Not quite mastered
: Have student bring home their 100 chart and use it to count by 5’s 10 different times throughout their evening hopping up and down each time they say a number.

Nearly there: Tell student to find a parent or older sibling and a ball. Throw the ball back and forth counting by 5’s as you throw. Each time the ball is caught another number is said and if the ball is dropped, you must start ALL over! Play this game until you get to 110, 5 times.

In need of a challenge: Have student predict the numbers we’d count if we continued counting by 5’s to 200. Then, tell students to find a parent or older sibling and a ball. Throw the ball back and forth counting by 5’s as you throw. Each time the ball is caught another number is said and if the ball is dropped, you must start ALL over! Play this game until you get to 200, 5 times.

Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation:
I will ask her to count by 5’s at the start of every math lesson until she can reach 100 within 20 seconds.
I will also teach an additional lesson that is at a higher level of thinking to give her additional practice in counting by 5’s.

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